Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another 2 lbs - GONE!!

So yesterdays weigh-in was GREAT.  Another 2lbs gone. A total of 20.8lbs!!

I owe a great deal of success to WW and its program.  I know it works for me - and I know I need to stick with this program to continue with success. BUT....

There's always a "BUTT" huh?  I've also started something else.  I've started doing an individual bible study - called The Lords Table. Its a biblical approach to weight management.  It's a 60 day study - today I finished day 10.  This is more based on "why" I over-eat - and finally getting control of this once and for all. Now for those of you read this and say "there she goes - talking about GOD - throwing her religion around" - Stop.  Please know this is not for you - but for me.  This is MY journey.  You can choose to not read this blog - and I wont get insulted.  I write this blog to give some hope as I travel this road of weight loss/management.  I hope you will continue with me on this journey - I have no idea where it will go - or what it looks like in 60 days - the one thing I know for sure - there will be less of me!!

So as I do WW - and work on the physical aspect of losing weight, I am also venturing into whats going on in my head as well.  I know - it sounds scary huh?  Trust me its more scary to me than to any of you reading this. 

But I can already say that I am fully ready to get to the bottom of this situation. Scary as it may be - I am ready to give this up and finally be free from this bondage of food and over-eating.

Today I am excited, hopeful, scared to death - yet ready to journey down this road.  A road so different than the past when Ive attempted weight loss.  In a sense - I'm giving it up - trusting GOD and GOD alone to show me where I need to change - continue with my WW for sure - because you don't want to fix whats not broke - but attempting to deal with whats in my head as well.  And finally, hopefully all will be done to Glory God!

Here we go!! Until next time~

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