Thursday, April 25, 2013

Down 1.2 - Totaling 18.2

I'm pretty excited for this weeks loss.  I can honestly say I haven't put my best foot forward in following the program - although I realize making better decisions regarding food is coming easier. I'm finding my "need" for comfort in food is fewer and fewer every week.  I'm truly starting to feel the freedom of this bondage of overeating or eating for wrong reasons.

Although this week Ive done better than the last two weeks with the program and I'm back with The Lords Table study DAILY - I realize I have maybe put in 70% of my efforts.  So as I reflect on this past week I'm seeking to see what worked.  What were those good decisions made that I can do again in the future.

1. I walked - more so in the beginning of this week than the later - but I walked 2 or 3 days in the last 7 days - for about 20 minutes (i.e., 1 mile).  This I did with the intent on getting in "some" exercise.  I'm slowly getting back into this without pushing too hard - I'm trying very hard to not re-injure my knee or foot.

2. I've stopped myself on a few occasions when Ive been alone and bored from going into the kitchen.  How you may ask?  Well 1st I turned off my TV (this seems to be my trigger), 2nd I prayed - asked GOD to take this temptation away, and 3rd I sought GOD's word.  I can say that this worked for me at least 4 times in the last week.

3. I started drinking decaffinated green tea at night.  I'm not sure if this is related at all, a few things Ive read indicate it enhances weight loss - not sure if this is true or not, but I'll keep doing it and as long as I am losing weight - I'll give it some credit as well.

4.  My accountability partners - Kimberly and Melissa.  They asked me regularly how I'm doing and if Ive gotten my exercise in.  We talk daily about our struggles with food and life and really support each other thru this journey.  I remain honest with them at all times and I am sure it has stopped me from going to the kitchen when I'm not hungry because I don't want to have to confess it afterwards.  God sure gave me some amazing women to keep me accountable. 

5. Better decisions of what I'm eating.  The other day I got a smaller plate (instead of the regular size plate) and put my dinner on that.  The plate looked full and I ate it.  I didn't feel cheated - its totally all in my head apparently. I did this a few times this week - and will probably do it more this week.

I'm sure there is more - but this is all I can think of at this point.  This weeks challenge I gave my bible study group of ladies and I'm doing myself is to be joyful in EVERYTHING I do.  In regards to my eating - I'm going to slow down while I eat.  Be thankful for every bite - savor the tastes - and glorify HIM for providing it to me.  Every Bite!! That's my challenge.

I challenge you as well - to be joyful - in EVERYTHING you do.  Even the dishes we clean - lets be joyful we have those dishes to clean.

At this very moment I am joyful for the ability to write from my heart.  I am joyful for you who are reading this.

Until next week,
Blessings INDEED~~

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